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Nature Study Units-
I LOVE Charlotte Mason and so many of her educational philosophies work for us.  My children are all elementary age and the CM style suits us perfectly.
Charlotte Mason's books speak frequently about Nature Study as a form of science education.  I LOVE Nature and wanted to pass along this love to my children.  My hope is that they will also develop a nuturing love for the beauty and wonder the Lord gave us in our natural world.  It is TRULY amazing and I have found so many ways to talk to them about the Lord and his blessings just from sitting with them outside and observing nature.  At 6, 4, and 4 years old ~ I already find their knowledge and stewardship blooming. 
Charlotte Mason wrote,
"The child has truly a great deal to do before he is in condition to 'believe his own eyes'; but Nature teaches so gently, so gradually, so persistently, that he is never overdone, but goes on gathering little stores of knowledge about whatever comes before him."  - (Volume 1, page 66).
I am including pictures, nature study sketches, and ideas we have used and created in our nature studies.  I hope you find them inspiring and useful. 
Here please find an idea of how we handle our Nature Study and the books we've used and plan to use for our studies.
Our main or 'spine' book for Nature Study is "The Handbook of Nature Study" by Anna Botsford Comstock.  This is by FAR the best literary book ever written - in my opinion- for teaching science and nature study.  It does not "dumb down" the information in the least.  It calls for specific and intent observations on the part of the children yet amazes me that even my 4 year olds were able to gleen things from it.  The book is written for the parent.  It provides the information you will need to answer your children's questions, provide them with acurate information, and expand their knowledge in the natural way a mother should.  It is often we find ourselves out of doors looking for a particular natural focus and we observe something else entirely.  We then enjoy looking it up in the HNS and  discussing, reading, and narrating the information - they want to learn more and more.  It is much more natural that the children EXPERIENCE and observe God's amazing world for THEMSELVES being led by an educated mother.  This is where the HNS provides support, education and help for the mother as the natural teacher the Lord created us to be.
Of course the beauty and purpose of it is to include this book with VERY hands on studies outdoors and plenty of access to animals, plants, and the Lord's glorious world! Edit Text
The Duck Pond
Our Gardens and Yards
In a seperate link you will find our "Great Chick Hatching Project" in which we actually took on 11 chicken eggs and incubating them for 21 days, enjoyed the wonders of God as they hatched, and then cared for them for 5 weeks before returning them to the farm and owner from which they came.  Although quite a bit of work and patience on my end :) it was worth it and for those who do not have the ability or resources to do this - I hope our pictures, notes, and links will at least give your children a strong idea of what it was like.  :)
The Great Chick Hatching Project
As you will see from the links below and pictures - we have quite a variety and array of pets and curious animals that live with us and are parts of our family.  I believe my children learn to love and appreciate animals and thier differences from us; responsibility; and stewardship through the care and love of having them in our home.
Nero - the 'Brat' Cat
Life with the Ferrets ~ Mickey & Bandit
The Pomeranians ~ Brittany & Kilroy
Bearded Dragons ~ Mr. Crazy & Sunshine
