Homeschool Blessings - Educating Our Own

Language Arts - Ruth Beechick Style
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Here is how we work on our language arts - gleened from Ruth Beechick's many books.

Day 1-
- Read your selected passage together
- Point out gramatical construction
- Point out and review new words for:
        - Vocabulary
        - Spelling
Day 2
- Copy passage (or for older/more experienced student - write from dictation)
- Compare to original passage.
- Make the corrections RIGHT then and TOGETHER without judgement.  Remember, this is a learning experience - NOT a test!
Day 3
- Teach grammar found in passage.
- Study more difficult words.
- Dictation - For younger children, let them SEE the passage while you read it and then remove it briefly while they try to dictate.  If they are not ready to dictate then read the passage aloud to them but leave the passage available for them to reference as necessary.
Day 4
- SLOW dictation with PLENTY of help - help with spelling, handwriting, grammar, anything the child needs - again this is NOT a TEST.
Day 5
- Dictation at normal pace - with as little parental help as possible.  Allow the child to make his mistakes and attempt to self correct. 

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